Frequently Asked Questions

We are headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, with five regional offices throughout the U.S. We work across the country in 32 states, offering remote, hybrid and in-office positions. No matter where you live, we have a career opportunity for you, with some of the best companies around. Please visit our Locations Page for listings of our current opportunities.

It’s our mission to help talented job seekers find long-term, meaningful careers with some of the most respected companies in the U.S. Many of our positions are contract-to-hire, meaning the hired associate will be on InnoSource’s payroll and benefits for the first four to six months. After that time, it is both InnoSource and the company’s goal to have the associate transition permanently to their payroll and benefits. This conversion often comes with a pay increase and growth opportunity.

Depending on the role, we offer remote, hybrid and in-office positions. Please visit our Job Board where you can filter your preferences and find more detailed information within each job description.

All kinds! We work with some of the top employers in the U.S. across multiple industries, from mid-sized to Fortune 500 companies. Explore our Roles We Hire For Page to help find a job that is best for you.

Yes! We have great career opportunities for recruiters, account managers, payroll/benefits specialists, etc. Please view our Job Board for listings of our current internal positions.

We’re serious about acquiring and retaining the highest quality talent, so we offer a benefits package that is among the best in the industry, including: Health Care, Dental Reimbursement, $25,000 Life Insurance, Flexible Spending Account, and more!

That’s okay! We have a wide variety of other open positions with various requirements that you are also welcome to apply for.

Search For Your New Career

Check out our job board to see what companies are hiring near you as well as a variety of remote positions.