Staffing Solutions in Corpus Christi


[email protected]

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:00-5:00

About This Location

InnoSource first established themselves in Corpus Christi over 15 years ago. Our Corpus Christi office includes a staff of more than 10 InnoSource associates, helping to connect candidates in the area with their next career. We are proud to serve the greater Corpus Christi region and work with some of the largest corporations in the area.

Roles We Are Hiring For


Customer Service

View Open Jobs in Corpus Christi

Check out our job board to view open positions in the greater Corpus Christi, Texas area, including remote, in person and hybrid options.

Hire Candidates in Corpus Christi

If your company has an HR need near Corpus Christi, Texas, contact us for more information on our hiring solutions.